Spring or Snow?Yesterday was the first day of Spring, this morning we woke up to 2 inches of very wet snow. When M saw it she asked "Can we go outside and play snowball fight?" So tonight, when we got home from work and daycare, we took the girls out for a little sledding and snow play. J had her first rides on the sled. I have to say that her emotions were a little mixed. She did enjoy clomping around in her boots but I think she liked watching G pull M on the sled more than actually riding on it herself. G gave M an icicle which she was very impressed by.
The one downside to the snow... our huge evergreen tree in front of our house lost quite a few branches. I guess the extremely wet snow weighed too much... It now looks a little lopsided and is going to have to be trimmed up. I don't know if G will do that himself or if we'll call in a tree service... either way, I bet my kitchen lights don't get installed this weekend :)
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