
Thursday, November 03, 2005

click on this link - it is FUNNY!!!

Just a little bit...

rock me just a little bit...
lay next to me just a little bit...
hold me just a little bit...
read to me just a little bit...
uppy me just a little bit...

It's funny how M can pick up on little phrases that we say and cling on to them.

Yesterday she said "Mom, you're making me tired." I don't know where that one came from, but it caught me a little off guard. I did think quick enough to reply with "M, you're making ME tired." :)

On a separate note... J made the sign for "more" today! Yeah. We've been showing her the sign for months. She can wave and make kissing faces, but now she's really communicating with us!

My husband, G, likes to send me links to random websites... sometimes they are funny, sometimes not. You decide.

Here are the ones he sent recently:

Rock and Roll Confidential


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My little cowgirl and pony!

I just pulled the Halloween photos off the camera... the girls sure look cute! M had a big party at school including a huge pinata. It was pouring down rain so we grabbed our umbrellas and went out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

Even with the rain we had fun trick-or-treating and handing out candy. This is J's first Halloween and the first time that M really understood the whole "I get candy" thing.

Whoever invented daylight savings time does not have 2 kids under the age of 3...

Ever since the time changed last weekend the girls are getting up before 6. J, who is 11 mths old, gets up around 5:15 or 5:30 because she's hungry. Once she's fed she'll go back to sleep for 30-45 minutes. M, who is 2mths short of 3, gets up at about 5 and comes in our bed and tosses, turns and kicks us until we take her back to her bed or get up and feed her.

I realize that we've trained them to get up around 6:45 to get ready and leave for daycare around 7, but don't they understand... it's time for the clocks to change... we "fall back" and gain an hour of sleep! If only this getting up early didn't make them amazingly cranky by 5:30pm... then maybe I could live with it. I need sleeeep!

Halloween is not just for the young....

Yesterday, on my drive into work, I looked into the review mirror and saw a man driving a very adult and respectable sedan. He was wearing a full suit and tie. The kind of man with a weathered face that looks like a banker or stock-broker.... and he was eating a sucker. Not just a plain sucker... but it looked like a tootsie-pop. You know that he stole his kids candy after they left for school :)