
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I took M to her swimming class tonight. As I was sitting there, watching my big girl it hit me how grown up she is. She was following directions and listening to the teacher. She sat on the edge and waited her turn. I was so proud of how well behaved she was.

It makes me sad that she is no longer a baby, she'll always be my baby, but she is really a big kid. I sat there at the side lines and watched as she grew up before my eyes. I look at her at night, when she's asleep, and she still looks like that little baby I brought home just over 3 years ago, but when she's awake and talking and running around she's so grown up.

Where does the time go?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

What a day we've been having... J has been really cranky all weekend. She's easily frustrated and squeals and cries when things don't go her way. She and M fought over toys a lot today. She also has been very attached to her pacifier today. I'm not sure if her teeth are hurting or what (2 more have broken through and I think there are 2 right below the surface). Luckily she is now sleeping peacefully in the pack-n-play in M's room (M is spending the night with Nana and Pawpaw).

I finally finished re-decorating J's room tonight. We painted it a lavendery-blue with green border and tonight I stamped silvery-pink stars on the walls and now it looks lovely. We hung tinkerbell pictures up and a newly covered cornice before New Years but the walls were looking very bare. I'm very happy with the way it turned out and I only smeared the stamp twice (we'll paint over these and then it will be perfect).

Tomorrow is a new day and I'm hoping that J will be in a better mood. Tomorrow is also what M calls a "Stay at Home Day" - meaning no school. I'm hoping for a relaxing uneventful day of fun :)