The new year has begun and while I'm not really into resolutions I think I should have a few goals for the year.
1) simplify
Over the last year I've become more minimalist when it comes to things. This year I to take that a little further -- Only buy what we need, donate or Craig's list the stuff we have and don't use. This is my one little word motto for 2011 -- simplify.
2) take a group photo once a month
The first one took right before midnight on New Year's Eve is posted above, this could be the family, the girls, the cousins, friends, whatever "group" works that month.
3) eat at home more
We eat out a lot, and it's expensive -- cut this down to once or twice a week on average, this is going to mean adding a few more go-to dinner recipes to the list.
4) exercise at least 3 times a week
I've been slacking on my weekly yoga class, but I have started walking/running on the treadmill more -- I need to make this consistent, but I want the freedom to change it up if I get bored
5) travel somewhere new
We'll probably do our annual amusement park trip, but I want to get to at least one new location this year. Last year we did the road trip and Mt Rushmore was new for me... I don't know where this year will take me, but I want to add a little adventure.
What's your goal for 2011?