We had a busy crazy weekend....Friday night we went to the Creve Coeur Days Carnival. The girls rode the rides and ate junk food (cotton candy, popcorn and snow cones). M is still talking about it. She had a great time.
Saturday after my yoga class, and M's dance class, the girls and I went to a baby shower for my cousin's wife. There were a lot of people and small children there. It was nice to visit with the family and see all the people I don't see often. After the shower we went to Grandma and Grandpa's farm for a while before we headed home to bed. While at the farm the girls enjoyed Grandpa's stash of Oreo cookies. Of course, there is nothing better than licking the icing out of the middle of the oreo and having Grandpa eat the cookie part for you so that you can get a new one to eat the icing out of. They are sooo spoiled.
Sunday we had my sister's bridal shower, she's getting married on July 1st. The shower turned out really nice. We had lots of food, my sister got lots of nice gifts and instead of shower games I had everyone bring their own wedding albums to the shower so everyone could look at them. It was fun to see the difference in style from the weddings that were 30+ years ago to the ones that were last year. It was a fun afternoon. My girls were, unfortunately, the only kids at the party. J's nap schedule was a complete mess all weekend and she was pretty clingy throughout the day. They did really good considering and M helped open gifts and J played in the ribbons, gift bags and boxes.